LES SunShares Project


Now YOU can help bring more solar power to the Lincoln area through Lincoln Electric System’s community solar project, LES SunShares. This project adds more clean, renewable solar energy to the LES resource mix, decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels.

Participation starts at $3 per month through your monthly electric bill, beginning January 1, 2015. Based on participation and contribution amounts, LES will select a project size in October, up to 10 megawatts. Program participants could help fund a solar array that could be one of the largest in the state.

You may enroll online at http://www.les.com/savings-energy/solar-net-metering  or 402-475-4211.

WasteCap's Mission Statement

Our Mission: To partner business leaders to implement resource conservation strategies that improve profitability, community goodwill and employee pride.