Contact Information:
Carrie Hakenkamp
285 S. 68th St. Pl. Suite #540
Lincoln, NE 68510



Nebraska Businesses Save Money Recycling

Coalition keeps 21,550 tons out of landfills

LINCOLN, NE – A coalition of over 85 Nebraska businesses saved more than $457,000 last year through their recycling efforts.  The businesses are members of WasteCap Nebraska, a nonprofit organization who helps businesses to design and implement waste reduction programs that will impact their bottom line as well as working with recyclers in the state to build strong recycling markets.  In 2006, these businesses recycled 21,550 tons of materials from paper and cardboard to fluorescent light tubes, metals and electronic equipment.

"For the businesses, not only does the recycling program help their company become better stewards of the environment, but recycling helps to deter the cost of landfilling materials," said WasteCap Nebraska Executive Director Carrie Hakenkamp.  The landfill cost savings for these businesses in 2006 was more than $365,000.  Over the past five years, WasteCap Nebraska member businesses have recycled over 87,000 tons of materials for a landfill cost savings of $1.47 million.

In addition to recycling materials that would otherwise be in the landfill, WasteCap Nebraska members save money recycling materials that are banned from the landfill.  In 2006, WasteCap Nebraska members recycled 47 tons of batteries, 25 tons of ballasts, 34 tons of fluorescent light tubes and 266 tons of electronic equipment.  Each of these materials falls under a contracted price agreement that saved members over $91,000 in recycling fees last year.

"In a tight economy, businesses need to look at every possible way to save money.  Waste reduction and recycling are generally overlooked as options.  A direct, out-of-pocket savings of $457,000 is very significant to businesses.  The members of WasteCap Nebraska understand this and continue to save money each year," said Hakenkamp.

WasteCap Nebraska has been providing recycling support to Nebraska businesses for 13 years through recycling education, technical assistance, and market development services.  As part of their statewide expansion, WasteCap Nebraska has recently received a new toll free number, 888-EWASTE9, to help businesses and residences throughout Nebraska with their recycling needs.  For more information about WasteCap Nebraska, please visit our website at:, or contact our office at (402) 436-2383 or 888-EWASTE9.