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WasteCap Nebraska offers a several-tiered process for providing technical assistance to businesses

Waste Audit Assessments
Recycling in Lincoln NE

On-Site Waste Review – This is the most basic of hands-on assistance offered.  Staff will visit with the business about their waste and recycling programs, processes for handling waste and recycling and in some cases help to evaluate hauler invoices.  Staff will then do a walk-through assessment of the company to visually identify recycling and waste reduction opportunities.  A brief report is then offered to the company with a range of recommendations for their getting their program up and going.

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WasteCap Nebraska offers construction and demolition waste management services and market research and development to businesses and developers wanting to achieve LEED status and develop a business model for offering those services.  Through this program, WasteCap assists construction projects with their construction waste management plans, tracking materials recycled and identifying service providers.

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